About Us

We supported the Ring for the King initiative!

The Eckington band supported the initiative to ensure sufficient ringers in the area for the coronation of King Charles III over the Coronation weekend in May 2023. We ran a recruitment campaign and received lots of enquires. At the moment (May 23) we have 17 recruits who all rang over the Coronation weekend and are continuing to develop their skills at regular practices at the tower. This Article appeared in the Ringing World special Coronation edition detailing the success of the campaign locally.

This church bell ringing training centre, at St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Eckington, is run for the benefit of all ringers.

The principal supporters when it was originally set up were the Derby Diocesan Association (DDA), East Derby & West Notts. Association (EDWNA) and the Sheffield Branch of the Yorkshire Association. Each of these organisations is represented on the management committee and the Centre hosts courses by them as well as its own. In recent years the Centre has also become one of the principal training towers for The Whiting Society.

The Centre is available for use by all ringers (provided at least one person in the group is an experienced ringing teacher). To make an enquiry visit our Training Request page.

New to Bell Ringing? A short video from ART that gives some idea of what you can gain from learning to ring.

The Centre uses the techniques and practices of the Integrated Teacher Training Scheme and supports the ‘Learning the Ropes’ syllabus for learners. Most teachers are members of the Association of Ringing Teachers.

If you are totally new to bell ringing and would like a taster session either contact a church near you with bells or if you don’t know of one or are local to us at Eckington make contact through this link and we will be in touch with you to ensure you get that experience.